How it works

1 – Book your Discovery call

After you click on the link, you will be taken to a page hosted by Practicebetter. Click on ‘Book Now’, and then you will be to our practice calendar where you can book a date and time for your free 20 minute consultation with one of our therapists., you will receive a confirmation email. You will also receive a details.

After you have booked a time slot, what happens next?

  • You will receive a confirmation email for this online call from ‘’
  • Complete your Discovery questionnaire. Please do this as soon as possible, or at least a day before your scheduled Discovery call

2 – The Discovery call

The DISCOVERY call is a ‘Free 20 minute Online Consultation’ when you and one of our practicitioners discuss your nutritional needs and agree on a plan. On this call, we will discuss your main goals with you, and how we can partner with you to achieve them. We will then recommend a plan or options for you to explore. If we are not the best fit for you in achieving your goals, we will provide you the best advice we can to aid you on your journey.

After you have chosen on the wellbeing plan to invest in, what happens next?

  • You and your therapist will set the dates for the online consultation meetings during the length of your chosen plan
  • You will receive an email to confirm the wellness plan you have chosen.
  • Download the Practicebetter app, create an account and login so that you can have secure communications with your therapist.
  • Provide information requested for by your therapist as soon as possible, or at least 3 days before your scheduled Kick Off Consultation Call so that we have enough time to review the information you have provided and to prepare for a more effective use of time on the Kick Off Consultation Call. This will include:
    • Completing the Client Intake Form.
    • Providing recent blood tests and doctor’s opinion of them (if available)
    • Described the history of any condition or disease your are concerned about in chronological order.
    • Listed all medications that you are taking.

3 – Kick Off Consultation

The Kick Off Consultation is the very first of meetings between you and your therapist where we will discuss the information you have already provided in the Intake Form, recent blood and other diagnostic tests and history of any diseases.

As part of this consultation we

  • carry out a thorough review of your medical history, blood tests and medical diagnoses (within the last 6 months). If the history is extensive and includes several years of recordings and appointments, the cost of the work may be increased.
  • Study the chronology of your development and life, genetic predispositions, current symptoms and disease manifestations.
  • Identify lifestyle and environmental factors – risks, triggers and mediators that influence the development of diseases and imbalances.
  • Analyse your diet and check your food diary, dietary regimen and physiology, daily routine, lifestyle, habits, supplements, and medications.
  • Integrate all this information and create an individual health protocol based on a calibration of your personal situation.

After the Kick Off Consultation, what happens next?

  • If herbs are included in your plan, we will prepare this in our dispensary and send them off to you
  • Complete the Client Reflection questionnaire at least a day before your next follow up call.
  • It’s implementation time, baby! We are result oriented and know that you need support during the implementation phase. Hence we have the Follow Up Consultations.

4 – Follow Up Consultations

The main goal of Follow Up Consultations is, if necessary, to adjust the plan, get feedback, and answer any questions that may arise. We will track your progress and discuss intermediate results. These sessions allow us to gauge progress based upon which we may recommend adjustments to the plan. These sessions are crucial to support you on your path to achieving your desired outcomes.

  • You and your therapist will set the dates for the online consultation meetings during the length of your chosen plan
  • You will receive an email to confirm the wellness plan you have chosen.
  • Download the Practicebetter app, create an account and login so that you can have secure communications with your therapist.
  • Provide information requested for by your therapist as soon as possible, or at least 3 days before your scheduled Kick Off Consultation Call so that we have enough time to review the information you have provided and to prepare for a more effective use of time on the Kick Off Consultation Call. This will include:
    • Completing the Client Intake Form.
    • Providing recent blood tests and doctor’s opinion of them (if available)
    • Described the history of any condition or disease your are concerned about in chronological order.
    • Listed all medications that you are taking.